
EWSI: New factsheets map out the governance of migrant integration in Europe

7 February 2019 / 111


Around 22 million third country nationals live in the European Union. They represent 4 % of the overall EU population. How do Member States organise their integration?

Most Member States have set up strategies to guide their actions while half of them organise integration programmes. These programmes can be voluntary or mandatory. In both cases, they are often formalised through individual contracts between migrants and competent authorities. In terms of content, language courses are by far the most offered service, followed by civic education.





Only 13 EU Member States have dedicated integration laws. In the remaining 15, integration 

is mainstreamed in general migration laws or in related areas such as non-discrimination, social inclusion or economic participation. Some countries also specifically regulate the integration of beneficiaries of international protection and asylum seekers.




Which stakeholders are involved in these processes? Are policies and legislations evaluated? How are activities funded? Find out who does what and how in your country:

Austria - Belgium - Bulgaria - Croatia - Cyprus - Czech Republic - Denmark - Estonia

Finland - France - Germany - Greece - Hungary - Ireland - Italy - Latvia - Lithuania 

Luxembourg - Malta - Netherlands - Poland - Portugal - Romania - Slovakia 

Slovenia - Spain - Sweden - United Kingdom