
SVMI presented during the World Refugee Day celebration in Paris


The 20th of June, the World Refugee Day was celebrated in Paris at République, the mayor symbolic place of liberty, equality and fraternity in the capital city.

An event composed of conferences, meetings and animations has been organized. It was also the opportunity to meet national actors dealing with migrants and refugees.

GSVO95 took the chance to attend to the event in order to present the SVMI European project. Many contacts were established and the proposition was very well received. The SVMI French partner has met the City Council of Paris, Emmaüs, Terre France d’Asile, La Cimade…

Partnerships are under way. The F.E.P (Fédération d’entraides protestantes) has demonstrated its will to organize 3 training sessions for the coming year. As well with France Bénévolat, the national leader of volunteer’s management, discussion is currently being.